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What is Growth as a Service? (SE)

Skriven av David Aleksandersen | 2023-maj-08 08:17:57

Every company is looking for ways to grow sustainably and effectively. But how? And what kind of resources do you need to support your growth - at what time? Growth as a Service (GaaS) offers a comprehensive solution that helps businesses achieve their goals through a fully customised approach.

Is it a Fractional CMO?

Growth as a Service is often understood as a fractional CMO service, marketing for hire or CMO for hire. The difference is that we do not only deliver the highest level of CMO skills - but a complete team that actually execute and deliver the CMO’s requirements. With our offering, you get the best strategic minds as well as a team that delivers: SEO, SEM, CRO, Inbound, Video, Design, .... 

How do we help your company grow with Growth as a Service?

At the core of our GaaS offering, we focus on helping businesses grow in four key areas: 

  • Attract new customers
  • Reduce customer acquisition cost (CAC)
  • Increase recurring revenue
  • Improve customer lifetime value (LTV)

These four will result in an overall increased company value. Additionally, also deliver services that directly can impact the value of your business. 

Our growth advisors use our established Growth Squared Model™ to create a customized growth strategy, and a dedicated Growth Team helps you implement it.

Attracting New Customers

To ensure the continuous growth of your business, we employ a data-driven approach to examine every aspect of the customer journey. We advise on improving business models, branding strategies, inbound and outbound marketing, and aligning sales and marketing efforts for maximum efficiency.

Reducing Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

We work with you to constantly monitor and decrease your CAC, using creativity and data to optimize existing channels. We also develop new channels and offers, testing them quickly before scaling up the effort.

Increasing Recurring Revenue (MRR/ARR)

For SaaS and subscription-based companies, we focus on increasing recurring revenue using the proven Growth Squared Model™. We help improve your business model, add new products and services, and develop pricing strategies, onboarding processes, and sales enablement.

Improving Customer Retention (LTV)

Keeping existing customers happy is crucial to sustainable growth. We focus on the customer journey, helping you develop the right metrics, loyalty programs, and win-back strategies.

Increasing Company Value

We assist you with the fundamentals of increasing company value, including corporate strategy, financing, M&A, recruiting, investor relations, operations excellence, and international expansion.

How We Work Together

Our collaboration begins with a Growth Plan Process, where we conduct a short and impactful process where we provide 30+ ideas for growth. From there, we develop a Growth Plan for the next 90 days, working in 3-month sprints on a retainer basis, or we can help you implement independent growth projects. 

Your dedicated Growth Team of specialists will work continually to achieve the goals set in the plan.

What is The Cost and ROI of GaaS:

Our goal is to provide exceptional value to our clients by helping them save on employee costs (you get a full growth team for the price of one employee) and achieve sustainable growth. Most of our customers invest from 75,000 NOK per month, and we are even willing to discuss a no-cure, no-profit model. Our ambition is to deliver value from day one and we are focused on delivering on results. 

Contact us today to learn more about our GaaS offering and how it can benefit your business.